New Site Launch!
Dynamite comes in small packages. From tiny acorns, mighty oaks grow. Can’t start a fire without a spark. There are a lot of sayings about how big things start small. I was thinking about that this week as I was reflecting on the history of Fort Bend Hope. A lot of this history easily predates me. It even predates the existence of Fort Bend Hope as an organization. We were formed as our own legal entity in 2016, but that’s not when we started. We moved into our building in the fall of 2017, but we didn’t start then either. You must go back to a Wednesday morning Bible study at Faith United Methodist Church in 2013 to see the very beginning of Fort Bend Hope.
Out of that study, God inspired them to reach out within the “shadow of our steeple” to the underserved community around us. At the start, Fort Bend Hope was not an organization. It was not a building. It was not even focused on education. It was simply an idea inspired by God through a Bible study group to make a difference in the community around us. If you go to our website, you can see our values by clicking the “About” tab at the top. The URL is If you have not been recently, I encourage you to do so as we have recently updated our website, and I would love to hear your thoughts.
On the values specifically though, God-Called is listed first and Community Presence is listed last. It is a reminder that at the very beginning of Fort Bend Hope, before anything else, there was an idea, a calling from God. We are called to make a difference in the community. We are called to be a presence. We are called to last. Our values reflect our institutional and cultural DNA. They are the common threads that tie us back to that initial idea, to today, and to our future. That idea was a tiny acorn. While we are not yet a mighty oak, we are much more than a sapling yet. We continue to grow through the support and dedication of people such as you. Thank you for all that you do. Always keep learning!